How To Sell Art On Zazzle: Step-By-Step Guide

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Are you an aspiring artist or already a pro? It doesn’t matter because beginners and professional artists will learn how to sell art on Zazzle today.

Many websites will allow you to sell your artwork. Some of them are excellent places to list your art for sale, others – not so much.

Why should you bother with Zazzle? Can Zazzle offer you more opportunities to make money as an artist?

In short, the answer to these questions is yes – Zazzle can take your online art business to the next level. And how will that happen?

By all means, Zazzle will do more than showcase your artwork to millions of potential customers. The platform will manufacture and ship products with your art designs.

I think that’s enough chit-chat about Zazzle – let’s get some some work done, shall we?

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What Is Zazzle?

what is zazzle

Before I show you how to sell art on Zazzle, let me explain what the platform is for those who don’t know:

Zazzle is one of the most popular online marketplaces artists can use to make money online. It’s a website that displays over a million made-to-order customizable products.

Quite frankly, Zazzle is so much more than a marketplace you can join to sell your art – it’s also a community of like-minded artists who want to develop their businesses further.

Can I Make Money On Zazzle?

At the time of writing, Zazzle offers three ways to earn money online:

Firstly, you can make money by selling your artwork on different products on the platform – that opportunity is suitable for artists worldwide.

Secondly, some people earn an income on Zazzle as Makers – they’re responsible for manufacturing the physical products with art designs on them.

Thirdly, you can make money by promoting Zazzle by sharing links online – that can happen if you join the Zazzle Associate Program.

Considering you’re here to learn how to sell art on Zazzle, the second and third options above don’t apply to you. Subsequently, we’ll focus only on the first option – making money on Zazzle as a creator.

How Much Does It Cost To Sell On Zazzle?

It might be hard to believe, but selling your art through the Zazzle platform won’t cost you a dime.

Yes, you read that right – registering for a creator account that will allow you to start selling art online is free. Anyone can sign up on Zazzle as an artist without paying anything.

What’s the catch? Are you wondering how Zazzle makes money if artists can become creators for free?

Here is the deal with selling art on Zazzle:

Once you make a sale, the platform will keep a portion of your profits as a commission. Your earnings depend on the royalty percentage you will set.

How Does Zazzle Work For Artists?

how does zazzle work for artists

Shall we take a look at the way to use Zazzle to sell art designs on different products?

You already know that Zazzle will manufacture and ship products on your behalf. But do you have to pay for any of these products in advance?

No, there is no need to pay for the products people will buy from you upfront. Instead, giving Zazzle its share of all the sales you manage to make will happen after the purchase is complete.

Now, what does this mean?

One of the biggest reasons to sell art on Zazzle is that the platform will make sure all your attention stays on creating the best art designs you can. To make that possible, Zazzle will create and ship to the customer any product you sell.

Once that happens, the platform will give you a percentage of the sale. Meanwhile, the site will keep the rest of the profit for the work it does on your behalf.

I think that sounds fair. Don’t you? Anyhow, moving on to the next fact you need to know while learning how to sell art on Zazzle:

Do The Artists Set Their Royalty Percentage?


Artists are the ones to pick the royalty percentage they want to receive on each product they sell through Zazzle. Long story short, you’ll be the one to decide the final price of your products.

Let’s look at the simple Zazzle provides to artists so they can calculate their prices:

Generally, the final price of your product should be the total amount of the base price + the royal percentage. That percentage can be as high as 99%.

Another way to increase your earnings while selling products on Zazzle is by participating in the platform’s Associates Program and referring new members.

At the time of writing, the Associates Program will increase your Zazzle earnings by 15%.

Why Should You Sell Your Art On Zazzle?

  • Zazzle will provide you with a free, fully customizable store where you can sell your art designs.
  • Artists choose the product’s prices, including the royalty percentage they’ll receive from each sale.
  • Participating in Zazzle’s Associates Program will help you make more money by referring other people to the platform.
  • Hundreds of different products can accommodate your art designs on Zazzle.
  • Anyone can register to become a Zazzle Creator for free.
  • Over 20 million people will have the chance to see and buy your products.

How To Sell Art On Zazzle Online: Step-By-Step Guide

1) Create A Zazzle Store

how to sell art on zazzle create a free shop first

As mentioned earlier, registering for a Zazzle account is free.

So, sign up for an account on Zazzle and create a store that will showcase the best of your artwork to potential customers.

2) Create Products To Sell

Once your Zazzle shop is up and running, it’s time to fill it with gorgeous products that will attract thousands of potential buyers.

How to sell art on Zazzle by creating products? Well, that’s easier than you think:

Zazzle provides its members with many tools to allow them to art design images. Use these tools to the best of your advantage and place your art on as many products as you wish.

3) Add Tags And Descriptions

As you can probably guess, Zazzle operates as a search engine – that’s how the people visiting the platform can discover products they might like to buy.

So, you have to optimize your products so they can easily show not only on Zazzle’s search but also on Google.

That’s where tags and descriptions come in:

Before you list products on Zazzle, add relevant tags and descriptions to help visitors discover them.

4) Promote Your Products

Here is the deal with Zazzle:

Considering Zazzle will show your products to hundreds of potential clients if you SEO optimize them, expect to receive organic traffic from the platform itself.

However, relying on Zazzle traffic is not enough to make lots of money from product sales. You can increase your chances of selling products if you start promoting your products online and offline.

Social Media is a great place to enhance your brand awareness and reach new audiences. Don’t hesitate to promote your products on platforms like Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, and even Twitter.

Tips And Ideas To Sell More Products On Zazzle

  • Add products consistently: Listing a few products in your Zazzle shop and waiting to get thousands of dollars in profits will never happen. Like any other business, selling products on Zazzle can become a successful venture if you approach it with patience and consistency.
  • Create products with your target audience in mind: Every professional seller knows that their best chance for success is knowing who their target audience is and providing products that will serve that audience.
  • Take advantage of holiday trends: Christmas, Easter, and Halloween are holidays to keep in mind when creating seasonal products. Why shouldn’t you make the best of them?

How To Sell Art On Zazzle FAQs

Is Selling On Zazzle Free?

Anyone with creative skills can start selling art on Zazzle for free:

Artists, photographers, and graphic designers are now able to create a free Zazzle shop and sell their designs on many different products.

Do Artists Make Money On Zazzle?

Nowadays, artists can make money on Zazzle in two ways:

The first way is by creating and placing art designs on products. Zazzle will take care of the manufacturing and shipping of your products when clients begin to purchase them.

The second way is by joining the Associate Program of Zazzle. That program can help artists to increase their earnings by referring other people to the platform.

Is Zazzle Better Than RedBubble?

Overall, Zazzle is the better platform to sell art designs on products compared to RedBubble.

While RedBubble gives preferences to trending designs, Zazzle focuses on helping its members make art sales consistently.

In other words, Zazzle is the better option if you want to develop a sustainable online art business.

See Also:

How Does Zazzle Pay Me?

Assuming you set your Zazzle account to be paid in US dollars, you’ll receive your earnings via check or PayPal.

If you use another currency, expect your receive your profits only via PayPal.

Final Say

Is everything clear on the topic of selling art designs on Zazzle? Hopefully, it is, because I have nothing else to add about how to sell art on Zazzle.

Do you have anything to share on this topic?

What questions do you have on today’s subject?

Feel free to ask me anything in the comments section below. I’ll get back to you the first chance I get.

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