How To Sell Paintings On Amazon: Step-By-Step Guide

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Are you wondering how to sell paintings on Amazon?

If you’re an artist exploring different platforms to sell art online, Amazon is probably looking better than good. And it should:

Nowadays, Amazon is the most visited e-commerce site in the USA – it attracts over 2.4 billion monthly visits. Think what you will, but that’s a large market of potential art buyers.

Today, I’ll cover tons of info about selling your art on Amazon:

  • How to start selling art on Amazon?
  • Is selling paintings on Amazon a profitable business?
  • Should you sell drawings online for money?
  • Can you make Amazon fine art prints work for your business?

Who Can Sell Paintings On Amazon?

Before I start explaining how to sell paintings on Amazon, let’s shed light on who has the opportunity to do that.

Above all, you don’t have to be an artist, graphic designer, or professional photographer to sell artwork on Amazon.

Furthermore, there is no need to own an art website or e-commerce store to enter the world of online art sales.

Believe it or not, you can earn from displaying paintings on Amazon, even if you’re an art curator.

To clarify, an art curator is a person who selects a variety of works of art. For example, an art curator can work with paintings, statues, and even video art.

In addition, an art curator may have to write labels, manage collections, and take care of other responsibilities.

how to sell paintings on amazon

You may not know it yet, but the job of curators is easier when working with Amazon:

The enormous size of the platform and the number of its visitors make finding art buyers online a piece of cake for curators.

Considering Amazon is the largest online marketplace, the platform is one of the best places for independent artists and other art sellers looking to reach a target audience and increase their online presence. Its stellar customer service and protection of sensitive data will make the selling process as easy as possible.

Related Read:

Are There Any Restrictions For Selling Art From Home On Amazon?

Some restrictions exist when selling Amazon original paintings on canvas. According to the platform, you have to comply with all federal, state, and local laws once you decide to supply products for sale on it.

Also, you must read the site’s policies for the products you’ll be offering and their listings. Long story short, not every piece of your art will find a place in the marketplace on Amazon.

With that said, what kind of artwork you can’t sell in your Amazon store?

While you should check the policies yourself, I can tell you that the platform will not display any unauthorized copies or reproductions of artwork that violate copyright or trademark.

What Artwork Can You Sell On Amazon?

what artwork you can sell on amazon

First and foremost, there is a pre-approval process you’ll need to go through if you want to sell art on Amazon. Hopefully, you’ll pass it with flying colors!

To ensure you’re not breaking any rules, you should know what kind of art can become a product listing on Amazon. Currently, this is the artwork that is eligible for sale on the platform:

  • Original paintings
  • Drawings
  • Watercolor paintings
  • Two-dimensional mixed media art
  • Limited edition photography and prints

Do you want to sell your work in an online art gallery? See the top art galleries and other online platforms where you can offer artwork for sale:

How To Sell Paintings On Amazon – Step-By-Step Guide

I bet you’re ready to start making money from your art with Amazon.

There is no point in just talking about the process of becoming an art seller on the platform. Instead, here is how to do it:

1) Provide The Necessary Documents For A Professional Selling Account On Amazon

how to sell paintings on amazon become an amazon seller

By all means, you should register at Amazon first to start selling on it – you must prepare a couple of documents before signing up for the platform. Make sure you have all of the following documents ready:

  • Business Information (business name and address)
  • Email Address
  • Credit Card: Your credit card must be internationally chargeable and with a valid billing address. In case it is not, Amazon will cancel your registration.
  • Phone Number: Chances are, representatives of Amazon would like to reach you during the registration process. Subsequently, providing a working phone number is unavoidable.
  • Tax ID: Write down your tax identity information, such as your Social Security number or your company’s Federal Tax ID number.
  • State Tax ID: As you can guess, you’ll need to show your State tax ID information for states in which you have tax nexus.

2) Create An Amazon Seller Account

Once you provide the necessary documents, the process of becoming an Amazon seller is pretty straightforward:

  • Visit Amazon Seller Central
  • Create your account
  • Verify your mobile number through OTP
  • Choose your store name
  • Enter the remaining details on your Amazon Selling Dashboard
  • Upload your signature
  • Click Launch Your Business

And you’re all set! Hold on your horses, though – there is much to learn about how to sell paintings on Amazon.

For instance, do you know that you can also create an individual Amazon account? That option will not work if you hope for thousands of online sales:

A professional Amazon seller account offers many benefits for any business owner, such as access to essential selling and marketing tools. These tools will help you reach a wider audience and new potential customers.

3) Check The Amazon Selling Plans And Fees

No online business can function without paying expenses and fees. All successful artists already selling their products online know that.

So, what’s the situation with the Amazon selling fees and available plans? Furthermore, what type of budget do you need before your digital or physical product can reach thousands of art enthusiasts on the platform?

As I already mentioned, Amazon has two plans you can choose from. Shall we look at them?

  • Individual Plan: Choosing the Individual Plan means higher profit margins since you don’t have to pay a monthly subscription fee. Unfortunately, art sellers can’t upload more than 40 items, and they have to pay $0.99 for each product they manage to sell.
  • Professional Selling Plan: This is your better option, considering the plan costs $39.99 monthly but no transaction fee per item sold.

Other fees to consider when selling art on Amazon are shipping, return processing, and storage fees (the last one applies if your business model requires Amazon’s fulfillment services.

4) Choose A Type Of Art To Sell

My take on how to sell paintings on Amazon already gave you a paragraph that covers the type of work Amazon allows you to sell on its online art market. However, a brief coverage is not enough – let me give you the available categories:

  • Original Artwork: Assuming you might already be selling original work on your platforms (your own website/own online store), listing such artwork on Amazon is probably a no-brainer.  Still, you should factor in the downside of doing it, like working hours and supply costs.
  • Digital Art: Selling wall art digital products (art prints, posters) is a great way to create a passive income stream if you’re a digital content creator. The good news is that such products don’t require buying physical supplies.
  • Print-On-Demand Products: Using Print-On-Demand services is the easiest to reach many potential buyers and increase your online revenue. Placing your own art on digital products or merchandise (phone cases, tote bags) will allow you to find a vast customer base.

5) Create Your Product Listings

Generally, your marketing efforts may fail if you don’t create product listings that will convert into sales. Numerous ways exist to ensure your product listings will attract the right buyers.
Here are the best practices to follow when you create a product listing:

  • Pick Enticing Titles: The title of your product listing is the first thing potential buyers will see. Subsequently, that title must be descriptive and contain a relevant keyword.
  • Use High-Quality Images: How can your product images stand out on a popular platform like Amazon? These images must be of superb quality and showcase the product from different angles.
  • Provide Product Descriptions: It’s well-known that most buyers purchase products for emotional reasons. So, use your product descriptions to connect with a larger audience – include more than sizes and colors!

6) Choose The Right Categories And Prices

Don’t underestimate the importance of placing your artwork in the correct categories when selling products on any e-commerce platform. That’s probably one of the most essential pointers I want you to remember from this take on how to sell paintings on Amazon.

Why do categories matter that much? They do because they help potential buyers discover your products. Besides, a product category is a great way to use your artistic style to attract a large pool of customers.
Place your artwork in subcategories like Abstract, Portraits, Landscapes, etc. Home Decor is a great addition to consider, too.

What about pricing? Sellers should never undervalue their work – the best way to achieve that is by going after higher price points. Things to factor in when choosing your prices are material costs, time/work investment, and similar product prices from competitors.

7) Decide On Shipping Options

Let me ask you – what shipping options make the most sense once your Amazon store starts receiving custom orders? Are you aware of the different ways to ship products to customers?

Assuming some of you need assistance in that department, there is no better time than now to cover your shipping options.

The first one is self-shipping. That option gives you complete control over the process and reduces your costs. However, your workload will be much more than the alternative.

As you can guess, the alternative is Fulfilment By Amazon (FBA). FBA is not a new service. On the contrary, it’s a popular option if you prefer Amazon to manage packaging and shipping products on your behalf.

8) Drive Traffic To Your Amazon Art Store

By all means, what is the easiest way to attract more attention to your Amazon merch? How can you ensure thousands of people will see your Amazon print or any other product you sell?

In-depth market research is not enough to drive enough traffic to your Amazon store. I suggest considering the following ideas as well:

  • Utilize Different Social Media Platforms: Spare a minute to learn how to promote and sell art on Facebook, Pinterest, and TikTok.
  • Write Blog Posts: Your website is a great place to promote your products. You can earn extra money as a website business owner if you insert affiliate links to popular e-commerce platforms or relevant products like art supplies.
  • Implement SEO: Always add keywords to your title and product descriptions.

How To Sell Paintings On Amazon – Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Use My Amazon Customer Account For Registration On Amazon Seller Central?

Yes, you can sign in using the data of your Amazon customer account. But that’s not the best idea ever:

To avoid being on many email lists from the Amazon Selling Team, the least you can do is use a different email address.

Can You Have Two Amazon Seller Accounts?

No, you can’t have two Amazon Seller accounts. Unfortunately, the platform allows only one seller account per person’s name.

Interestingly enough, some people are cheating the system:

They try to own multiple seller accounts using different email addresses and mobile numbers.

Such activity doesn’t last for too long:

Amazon suspends their accounts as soon as they notice what is going on.

Why Does Amazon Need My Tax Information?

Amazon will ask you to complete your tax information because that’s the law.

Should you even bother to learn how to sell paintings on Amazon if you don’t plan to respect the law?

I’m sure you can come up with an answer to that question on your own.

Can I Register A New Amazon Seller Account If I Make Too Many Mistakes On The First One?

Making mistakes while registering your seller account is nothing out of the ordinary. I can tell you to be careful, but you still may write down something incorrectly.

Since you already know that Amazon allows only one seller account per person, starting a new one is not an option. Instead, you should click on Help in your dashboard and work with the support team to handle everything that needs correction on your artist profile.

What Should I Do If Amazon Puts My Account Under Review?

Sometimes, the platform places certain accounts under review.

In case that happens to you as well, don’t panic!

Keep calm and go through your information:

  • Make sure you’re providing all the necessary documents and data
  • See if the information in the fields matches the documents
  • Check for typing errors
  • Don’t upload info the platform doesn’t require from you

Can I Trade As A Company If I’m Already Selling As A Sole Proprietor On Amazon?

Above all, you can change the legal status of your business from Sole Proprietorship to a Company.

It will not affect your account or the way you approach how to sell paintings on Amazon.

Time To Wrap

As you can guess, it’s time to wrap this article up.

That doesn’t mean the topic is over, though:

I’ll keep updating it with more relevant information about how to sell paintings on Amazon in the future.

Until then, I wouldn’t mind hearing everything you have to say about selling art on the platform.

Share your opinion in the comments section, and we’ll talk about it further.

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    1. Hey, Karen, I’m sorry for the late reply.
      Yes, Amazon takes a percentage from every sold item.
      The amount of that percentage varies – it usually is between 6-45%.
      I hope that answers your question.
      Let me know if there is anything else I can do.

  1. Hello,
    If I am a book author with Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing, does that count as an Amazon Seller? In other words, can I create a seller’s account to sell paintings & prints if I am a published author with Amazon?

    1. First, I apologize for the late reply.
      Now, about your question:
      Yes, you can create a seller’s account and list paintings/prints for sale.
      I hope that helps.
      Let me know if you need anything else.

  2. Hi! Glad to have found your site on all things Amazon Sellers. Just a little background on me. I’m a visual artist, medium is painting (acrylic/watercolor/ink). I’m pretty good and have recently begun the arduous marketing efforts of my works on Facebook’s Meta Business Suite (only because there, I can pay ad money when I post a new painting.) That gets an enormous amount of interest, but doesn’t often convert to sales. So I spend a great deal of time on Facebook, to the detriment of getting new paintings done. My works transfer nicely to greeting cards and other “print-on-demand” items. Greeting card orders are dribbling in.
    The bottom-line question is…will Amazon permit me to sell high-quality reproductions of my paintings versus selling the originals (selling originals, I’d be out of product in no time.) No one at Amazon can tell me yet but will email me in a few days. Thanks for providing answers to all of us who depend on an outside perspective!

    1. Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment on my site, Tricia.
      I am glad that you’re doing so well with your business.
      As far as I know, Amazon allows selling reproductions of original artworks.
      But I’ll suggest waiting for their reply before you start listing your products for sale on the platform.
      Let me know if there is anything else I can help you with.

  3. Can I use a debit card vs credit card that’s international lly chargeable… Or with a credit card I think that Amazon needs a credit card why

    1. According to Amazon, you can become an Amazon seller if you sign up with both credit or debit cards.
      Hope that helps.
      Let me know if you need anything else.

  4. Hi ! … I paint in acrylic original works of art. My works are Copyrighted as well as the prints. However, I only intend selling prints, not the originals. The prints will be numbered 1 to 500 and then retired from offer. Is this acceptable to Amazon. I plan to list as sole proprietor at the beginning. Thank you Rei Reyes

    1. Yes, Amazon accepts digital prints on its marketplace.
      I suggest reading their guidelines before creating an Amazon seller account.
      Hope that helps!

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